Hey y'all! We're finally up to date <3

for those new here, Dread Me Not has just switched to being ad-free and self-hosted!

I've had a real craving to work on this comic again recently despite being kinda swamped with having to move soon, and much to my surprise it turns out my original host got rid of custom layouts!

I'm not a huge fan of that so I decided it was time to move to my own site. A full night of building later and HERE WE ARE!

There's still lots more to be done before this site is *truly* finished, but at the very least I wanted to make sure the pages were available for people to read (also, this site works SUPER WELL on mobile so !!! hell yeah!!!) i'm really excited to continue now that one of my biggest hurdles is out of the way.

Here's a quick reminder that ALL pages can be viewed at their original resolution of 4000x6000 by donating at least $3 to my Patreon! They'll also be out on Patreon a bit earlier so folks who contribute can get a lil sneak peak >w<

With all that said! I hope y'all have an awesome time catching up on the pages that are out if you're new here, and if you've been here since the start? THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading and sticking with me through the last hiatus. Let me know what you think of the new site ♥

OH and feel free to try out the new comment section on the pages! Unfortunately the one thing I couldn’t bring with me when I left my old host is all of the wonderful feedback I received on the pages that were out. I’m looking forward to hearing what you think of what’s out so far!

-Make page for music and animations
-Character bios
-Easy Access to socials and patreon